02. Meditation in the Word

01. Meditation

   A mantra is a chant in our thoughts that centers us within the ever-changing present experience of our living source and also within the unified order of present creation. The highest vibration is the Word, the vibration of the totality. The Word is the healing sound of all power that opens to those who achieve perfect meditation. There are many forms of holy vibrations to meditate upon. Any vibration will not do. You cannot meditate on any sound. A set of mantric frequencies will cause our beings to vibrate with specific energies due to harmonic resonance. Vibrations are like keys to planes of perception. To vibrate in the Word of the One is to come into the presence of Divine consciousness. Divine consciousness is always all around us. We are usually too sluggish to grasp the Divine that surrounds us. We must open our being through meditation in the Word in order to perceive the Divine. We must always approach the Word humbly, seeking perfect union with the One.

   Sit comfortably with your back upright and relax. Focus your attention on your breathing. As you draw in a deep breath, chant in your thoughts the holy vibration, ‘YaH’. As you exhale, chant in your thoughts the holy vibration, ‘VeH’. Let the chant loop over and over for about twenty minutes. There is no way to describe the bliss of a successful meditation. By releasing all your doings and thinking for a twenty minute cycle, you will return to your source.

   You may also breath in’ Al’, and breath out ‘Lah’. You may also breath out ‘Kree’, and breath in ‘shna’. A very holy, human out-breath sound vibration is ‘Aum’ or ‘Ahmenah’. This was the Hindu 'OM' and the Hebrew ‘AMZ’, which the Greeks translated as ‘Amen’. It is a natural sweep of sound of vibration, a guttural release that ascends up to the top of your head. In silent meditation the sacred down-breath is associated with different in-breaths.

   The Christian ‘Jehovah’ in a high form of pronunciation, ‘YeHoVeH’, is the mantra of this work. The root of the Word is the Tetragammation or four sacred symbols ‘YHVH’. Approach the Word humbly, seeking the divine ever-present Light. Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened.

   There is a triplet effect to a deep breath. First is the abdomen filling, then the chest, and then the glide on top where our almost full lungs absorb sacred oxygen. The Angel names Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael all bear this triplet in-breath pattern. There is a very high meditation in any Angel’s name. The highest Angel’s name is Yeshua. The translations, Yeesous, Yeshu, and Jesus also work, but his mother called him Yeshua, according to an Angel’s instructions. The holy vibration of the Light, Kreesta, is the holy complement to the Word, also know as Kreshna, Kristos and Christ. Through the Word and the Holy names we may achieve many meditations. The most powerful out-breath is the vibration ‘Aum’. The form ‘YeHoVeH - Aum, the Lord of all creation, is this high meditation of Knowledge of Love. We all have a great deal to learn, to grow together in the Love and Peace of the One.

(c) Summer 1977 Ron Bracale All Rights Reserved


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