09: Touched by Spirit

19. hipwazee

I feel sad for all the people

who listen to what they’re told

and forget their minds:

willing to follow another...

lost their Heart...

lost their mind...

play the part...

‘till they’re blind...

so crooked they think it’s normal

and we must be weird for being

straight and clear:

yet I don’t judge, but One will

who sees every thought and action

and the Light’s blinding...

they got the latest fad...

they think they’re so bad...

only it’s just so sad...

you see they’ve been had...

but I say a prayer to the few I meet

with honest eyes, no games or lies:

you can see it in their Light,

clear and bright, a sheer delight...

(c) Spring 1986 Ron Bracale All Rights Reserved


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