04. the all pervading Light

02. Time’s Game

Billions of souls and the whole river of life interweave amidst the spirited order of time's game. Billions of pieces make up the puzzle of each of our lives. We are each born into our own unique point of view and we each play time's game in our own way. Ruah presents each of us with the unique challenge that is our lives. We must make the pieces fit into an ordered life, not of our choosing, but of the natural order that is greater than us. We must brighten our attention and quicken our spirits to accept our personal challenges. The spirit, Ruah, has surrounded us with wonders to behold. There is more than what appears to be. We are luminous beings and we must turn our Light to shine with a fervor to know the living biological planet within which we awaken. There is endless order and yet there is only the unity, the One. For all things are of one plan and one great order, and so also are we, the children of the great spirit, Ruah.

Ruah orders time's game all around our souls of perception. In the here and now, ever-changing present instant of time, natural lessons are woven around our soul perceivers. The spirit winds blow upon our body altars and fan the flames of life with the truth. We must arise whole and seek the ways for all peoples to grow in the truth and the light. For we are souls of perception shining out of our eyes, ears, and bodies. Our grasp of the truth slowly grows. We are beings of Light. We are Spirit Souls and the children of Ruah and Kreesta. Through meditation we may know of the union of the two. We know the path within our hearts and must live it. To See is to view every living thing as a luminous perceiver and the whole river of life as one upon the Earth.

There is no way to get out of time’s game, yet there is a key to winning the game. Whatever we send out, it returns to us. If we love all of life, then the bliss of love will be ours. “Whoever leads into captivity, will go into captivity. Whoever kills with the sword, shall die of the sword. Here is the faith and the patience of the chosen.” (Rev 13:20 ) When we turn all our life’s expression into love, then the bliss of love will be ours. All our unnatural pollution of the biosphere, we eventually eat, drink, or breath. As a body has many limbs and organs; just so, many creatures make up the living body of the Earth. We all mean well, it’s getting around to doing it. We must unite and heal the Earth. This is the only path to a strong and beautiful future for humanity. We must be one people upon one Earth, in balance and dreaming bright dreams.

(c) Spring 1981 Ron Bracale All Rights Reserved


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