02. Meditation in the Word

03. Heaven and the Firmament

   Our souls are the part of our being that can be described as immortal luminous perceivers. Our personal altars are the part of our being that can be described as our immortal spirit’s unique view, defining all form and order. Humans also have a common altar that we share, this is the holy living Earth. Words have led us into illusions and most humans would believe their socially prevailing descriptions are the common altar. The human world is a very limited realm, while the living Earth is an infinite source of renewal. To walk in the ways of the Earth is to empower ourselves for many ages to come. The human spirit is intimately entwined with the spirit of the living Earth. Within the ways of the Earth humanity can find the true peace and regain our spirit’s link to the divine Spirit. The divine Spirit always weaves the lessons of power around the river of life. In the balance of knowledge our souls reach peace and merge with the divine spirit. We feel the Spirit winds blow down upon us the treasures of eternity. We make the link and intuitive revelations are experienced to reveal the will of the Spirit, Ruah. We serve Kreesta, as the whole river of life, with endless love and devotion.

   The divine Spirit, Ruah, is situated beyond space-time. The living Light, Kreesta, is situated beyond space-time. Seven spirits stand before the divine couple and weave the veil of illusion. Their dark spell deludes all mortal beings and separates mortal beings from the all attractive couple. The seven spirits bind seven layers of illusory energy into the expansion of the firmament. The seven spirits are the dark description of the world. The Spirit, Ruah, and the Light, Kreesta, are the true description of our selves and the living Earth. The seven spirits are matter, heat, chemical qualities, pressures and forces, sound, electromagnetic fields, and gravitational curvature fields. The seven spirits are dark energy coloring in the ordered dance of the divine couple and forming a veiled illusion. The seven spirits are seven energy fields vibrating on seven fractal dimensions and providing resistance.

   Our human altars are as human as our very souls, yet the seven spirits fill in our altars and clothe us in flesh. They bind all our attention into materialism and then we lose sight of the Spirit and the Light. To perfect meditation and realize the divine dance of the Two that are One, is to ascend beyond and above the expansion. All of us souls who are below the expansion are bound by our illusion to the wheel of mortal birth, life, death, and rebirth. Those souls who are dimensionally above the expansion are metamorphosed into angels of Light. Our true heritage is the vast and free realms of Heaven. Yeshua, the faithful and true Witness, is the highest of the human angels above. The free angels in the kingdom above the expansion send forth the breath of Knowledge to teach us Love. They promise the time of the enlightenment of humanity, which will bring the time of Love and Peace.

(c) Summer 1977 Ron Bracale All Rights Reserved


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