10: Remembering

10. Grace

The Spirit cares for and loves every Soul. The Will of the Spirit is to bring all Souls back into Union through the Power of Grace. Grace is like the drone Vibration of the Galaxy. Grace is the Essential Motion that a Soul attunes to in order to live and breathe. Grace is the Primary Vibration that moves this ever changing present along the Course of Life and Greater Consciousness. Thus, Life and Greater Consciousness are the Purpose, the Reason for Creation.

Peace of Mind makes one aware of the Grace always surrounding everyone. The conflict or imbalance of Spirit which is the opposite of Peace of Mind arises from not being in Tune with the Primary Vibration. Without perceiving the Spirit and Light, a Soul is left within a battle of it's spirit. This battle is a battle between the forces of Life and Death. Life is a delicate balance and Death is the emptiness left from imbalance. The Universe is Balance and Life's River is Balance. Creation is a State of Being Balanced in the Way.

The Way is maintained through Grace, the Primary Balancing Point of Present Creation. It is only through the momentum provided by the Grace of the Spirit that the Way is maintained. The Way is guarded and maintained by Seers over the Ages. Through Inner Peace, a Seer has become attuned to the Higher Spirit and become aware of his/her luminous nature. Yet there are realms upon realms which one can become aware of. Seers are Balanced and Centered in the Way, with ever expanding consciousness and ever growing Love.

(c) Summer 1986 Ron Bracale All Rights Reserved


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