10: Remembering

09. Battle of Spirit

There is a battle between the Souls of Light and the Souls of Darkness and yet the Spirit cares for and Loves every Soul. The Will of the Spirit is to bring all Souls back into Union through the Power of Grace. The Grace of the Spirit is constantly pouring down and some Souls through Grace are open channels ascending upwards. There are two nations of Souls living on the Earth: Souls of Light and Souls of Darkness. Souls of Light are appointed by foreknowledge of the Spirit. Souls of Darkness are tillers of the field of material existence and only see the illusion that the World is like a Machine. Souls of Light know that the World is a River of Life and that to perfect Love is the highest dream. Souls of Darkness dream of money and power and will resort to cold and cruel means to achieve them. They are Lost Souls trapped in their illusion. The battle is in Spirit. As a small light can light a whole room of Darkness, so a Child of Love can illuminate all things in the Light.

This age will pass and a Judgment will bring a sharp and clear separation of the Two Nations. The Light will shine and everything will be revealed. The 'Books' of our Eternal Remembrance will open and we will stand naked before the Light. Our every thought and memory for Ages of Lifetimes will be known and revealed. We will see Yeshua's clear eyes looking deep into our eyes with Love and Peace. Some will mourn in their wretchedness and some will rejoice, praising their salvation. We are all impure beings, yet some hearts follow Love clearly. Now Yeshua loved Judas very much, even while knowing his thoughts of ruling the Earth. Yeshua forgave and loves Judas, yet how will Judas feel? Yeshua could only stand with His Sword of Love; He prevailed and will return. Yeshua came as a Light, to show us the Way, and it is the Spirit (YHVH) which will Judge and Separate.

Peace and Goodwill amongst all peoples will bring a new bright Age of Love to the Earth. Through the Love and Grace of the Spirit the Ways of War will be forgotten and all the peoples will live in a High Love. Yet today the Earth cries with the Blood of the Innocent and a Great Darkness obscures all vision. The proud and arrogant shall be brought down low and the haughty shall be humbled. While the children who have nothing shall be rejoicing and even the lowly shall be dancing. Then in the Highest Light all peoples shall grow together in Spiritual Life. I don't mean to make divisions, but Yeshua did. All shall be revealed in the Light and every heart will know the Divine Presence. All peoples will be One People and the Spirit shall lead them.

Whoever thinks or does harm to another human being, for gain or through cruelty, will certainly be ashamed when Yeshua looks them in the eye on that Great and Glorious Day. Whoever seeks power over another being, to control them or have power over their fates, shall be humbled as dust when their Ego's fail. Even if they think to do that person good, to make them like themselves, they shall be humbled as the dust for their vanity in seeking power over another. All worldly treasures will not satisfy and bring peace, and those who lust therein shall have nothing, and shall see that they are falling. For in a time least expected, when many say there is no God who sees in the Secret Places of our Minds, the Light will come. Though I know in the Light I must be such a wretched fool, yet I await that day for in the Light of The Lord, YHVH, is my Hope and Joy.

(c) Summer 1986 Ron Bracale All Rights Reserved


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