10: Remembering

04. Light in Shadows

The Truth leads into One, YeHoVay-auHm. The False Witness knows only the Antichrist and the way of the Beast. The Antichrist is the illusion that the Seven Spirits are the only reality. The Antichrist is darkness, with no consciousness of the Living Light. The sound Kreeshnah (Krista, Krsna, Kristos, Christ) is the Light of perception shining life from every heart. The Kreeshnah is the whole River of Life. Our souls are the same Light as the Earth and are one with all people, animals, and plants. Through giving our love to the Kreeshnah, the River of Life, we are One. The Beast is a person playing the role of flesh as a separate entity striving against others for the Antichrist. The Beast seeks more and more comfort for its own flesh even if it means suffering for many others. The way of the Beast is sinking down in the expansion. The Way of the Truth is to use only what we need and give all we can to Life; then we will be at peace with every living spirit and our spirits will be free upon the Earth.

Cursed be the dark souls who say they come in the name of the Lord, but don't know the Word. The Lamb says to them, "I know you not, you workers of iniquity, depart and have your part in the world's outer darkness, where you will have weeping and teeth gnashing flesh." The woes of this curse are seven, poured out upon the souls who say they are chosen, but are not; who try to use the Rhyme to support their dark ways. Second death be upon the souls who set themselves up as the Elect, but are not set up in the Word of the One, YeHoVaH-auhm.

One clear hand is raised high against the darkness. Solar is a teacher of the Spirit that quickens the seas of men and women. Sunbeam is a preacher of the Light that fills the Earth with Life. Solar and Sunbeam are the two Fish Anointed; the Fish cast the mountain into the Sea, only to see the Sun form a Rainbow in the mist of the Air.

(c) Summer 1986 Ron Bracale All Rights Reserved


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