09: Touched by Spirit

12. three realms

under the ground

the dead roam,

phantom Spirits




without power

to affect...

finding a

warm place,

a rebirth

and a life again


the windy side

and the Eternal

nature of the Soul...

round and round

and here we are,

so remember

a death Dreamer

who conquered

Death and Hell

when the Door opened

as it’s opening now...

billions of souls

looking for Life,

luckiest chance

to Live in this

magic time

revealed in an

instant as the

Door opens...

Supernatural Beings,

Angelic Hosts,

dimensionally beyond

in the Heaven

of the Heavens;

the Guardians

of Life’s way

coming again...

Eternal Seers,

all knowing eyes,

so much Light

with all power

and our fate

is our own

in the Harvest

of the good Grain...

(c) Winter 1986 Ron Bracale All Rights Reserved


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