07: New Ways

28. Laughing along our Way

Time’s Game gives each of us

the unique challenge of our Lives...

we each See from our own point of view

and we’re here to work it out...

some minds hide behind ego constructs

looking through the beams in their eyes,

to See the splinters in the eyes of others,

but all Souls were meant to be...

we Release all our Judgments

and grow together in Humbleness...

we need to laugh at our foolishness

and find humor in our humanness...

as we become true to our Hearts,

we shine out brightly

and in the Eyes of Honesty

our Souls are equal...

every person is a unique Creation,

a piece to the puzzle of Life

and as we join together in Love

the picture becomes quite clear...

(c) Winter 1985 Ron Bracale All Rights Reserved


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